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Slovenian Pavilion  at the Venice Biennale 2018

The interactive water fountain at the Slovenian pavilion at the Venice Biennale is a reinterpretation of an iconic yet unbuilt work by Jože Plečnik (1872- 1957), using the design for a national parliament to rethink the global issue of water treatment and its relationship to architecture. Some Place Studio co-authored and designed the interactive installation. 

A multidisciplinary team of 13 architects, landscape architects, urban planners, researchers and strategists explored and discussed the relationship between architecture and water, both past and present. How to re-think water management and the protection of water resources? By understanding all the complexity and interconnectedness of natural and anthropogenic water systems and by developing alternative models, can we create a new, fairer, safer and less invasive living environment? The controversial and notorious unrealised Slovenian Parliament building by architect Jože Plečnik, which incorporates a fountain hidden under the main hall designed as and meant to represent a mythical source of wisdom for the deputies, seems like a fitting space to discuss these pressing issues.

Matevz Celik

Bika Rebek, Tim Daniel Battelino, Pam Anantrungroj , Lucia Tahan, Daniel Prost

Venice, Italy